Decisions , decisions. We all know how increasingly difficult it has become to choose a new phone, come upgrade time. The possibilities are endless: iPhone, Samsung, Sony, Nokia – how can one name them all. And what makes it even harder is that they all have some feature that the other is lacking.
The general consensus here at the 2ov office is, upgrade to an iPhone. Buy one if you have to. Yea, we’re little Apple sluts here.
After what I think we can all agree were pat-on-the-back attempts with the iPhone 1,2 and 3, anyone who has an iPhone knows that any version from the 4s and up are spectacular. This bad boy basically plays on par with the iphone 5 series, as it also has a 8MP camera, with A5 processor and battery life of just an hour or so less than the 5.
“But why, 2oceans vibe people, are you telling us what we already know?”, you may be wondering.
Well, it’s toe numbingly cold, and just because it’s Wednesday and we love you we thought we’d brighten your day if you DON’T already have one of the best phones out there.
You can pick up the iPhone 4s for R2 500 on Gumtree here.
And if you’re still stuck with the very first iPhone ever made back in the dark ages, just remember that all the models before the iPhone 4s are not able to download iOS8, but the iPhone 4s can do it all. It’s literally this cheap and easy to catch up to present day, people.
Bargain much?