Sunday, February 9, 2025

If You Care: Kim Kardashian Doesn’t Look Like This Anymore

Kim Kardashian showed up at Paris Fashion Week with a dramatic new look that had the internet going crazy, by which I mean acting like absolute fools.

Shock, horror, disgust – these are just some of the words I would use to describe my first visit to the toilet this morning.

In other news that matters almost as much, Kim Kardashian has dyed her hair blonde and people are losing their shit. This from the Daily Beast:

Kim’s new look has drawn comparisons to Legolas from Lord of the Rings, Elsa from Frozen, and Khaleesi from Game of Thrones, among many others. The Internet has almost unanimously agreed on Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter’s sinister, sniveling archenemy at Hogwarts.

Critics of the person most famous for being famous (and then having a sex tape ‘stolen’ by her publicist) have cited Kim’s recent attention-grabbing efforts as a blatant attempt to prevent herself from fading out of the limelight. There was the ‘broke the internet’ photo, a few nude shoots and now this drastic makeover.

I will leave the last word to Brian Koerber, who summed it up pretty well with this tweet:
