Saturday, January 25, 2025

March 10, 2015

WATCH: Interview With SA Woman Who Is In Final 100 For 1-Way Trip To Mars [Video]

You may have heard that there are 100 people competing for the chance to win a one-way ticket to Mars, but did you know us Saffas have five people in the final running?

You may remember the story we brought you guys last month (HERE) on 28-year-old Los Angeles native Andrew Tunks, who was amongst the final 100 candidates to participate in the Mars One mission.

What you might not know is that no less than five of our very own countrymen and women, including a certain Adriana Marais, are also amongst that elite group. Out of the 100 candidates 24 will eventually end up jetting towards the Red Planet which sounds awesome, except the journey is just the one-way ticket.

As you can imagine, many have taken quite a sceptical approach towards those who have decided to seal their fate for the benefit of science, and you can hear Adriana addressing some of those issues (as well as others) in the video above.
