Sunday, February 16, 2025

March 26, 2015

Muslim Call Girl Will Marry You Temporarily For $100 More

Most religions frown upon call girls and how they earn their income but, as you can imagine, the work of an Islamic call girl is even more fraught with danger. Here's how one woman gets around that.

I can dig that the headline above might have you a little confused so I’m going to go straight to the Daily Beast’s opening lines of their story:

The Kim Kardashian of Islamic call girls is blazing a trail for British Muslims who are embracing a traditional form of marriage to absolve themselves of the sin of premarital sex.

OK, that probably hasn’t helped you much so let’s break this down once and for all. As you would imagine, Islam frowns upon something like sex with an escort, especially when you consider that the man and the woman engaging in the dirty deed are more than likely not married (unless enjoying a spot of role play). Now Kamillah, a London escort, has come up with a novel idea to bypass those pesky laws.This from the Daily Beast once more:

By entering into a nikah mut’ah, a temporary marriage for as little as an hour, sex between two lovers suddenly becomes legit in the eyes of Allah, at least according to some generous Shia interpretations…

Nikah mut’ah is used in varying degrees of openness all over the Shia world. Iranian officials suggested last year that it should be used more frequently by Westernized (sic) couples who wanted to avoid committing adultery—a crime punishable by death.

Those using her services will pay $450 per hour but, for an extra $100, she will enter the temporary marriage and absolve you of your sins. That’s right, it seems with a little extra dough you can bypass just about anything, even the holiest of texts.
