We all have a friend (or friends) that share just a little too much on social media sometimes. I’m not talking about the filtered pictures of brekkie, lunch and dinner either, I’m talking about those awkward ‘overshares’ where you cringe yet can’t help but watch the drama unfold.
Over the weekend we had a number of readers write in and tell us to keep a close eye on the Twitter account of Morgan Deane, Graeme Smith’s estranged wife, and Sunday saw things get pretty awkward pretty quickly.
First up we had this tweet, the one that set the ball rolling:
Some pretty serious accusations there, especially considering they have yet to go to court to sort out custody of their two children. As things started to heat up Deane’s mother waded into the conversation, defending her daughter and taking on some of her critics.
Deane then fired a few more shots…
Without knowing the facts it seems highly unlikely that a father would turn off the water in the house where his own children live. I’m also no lawyer but I would imagine that an outburst like this is going to work in her favour when it comes to the impending court case, perhaps she wants to exercise caution before that date rolls around.
We have heard rumours that her rant comes in the wake of the child psychological report coming back, Deane being unhappy with some of the things the psychologist said. They have since been awarded shared custody in the interim and this has angered Deane who is now hitting back.
Graeme has remained quiet on social media and is yet to respond publicly to the tweets.
Deane has been very active on social media, something that we covered HERE and HERE.
Here are some of her pics from social media.
I suppose there is no winner and loser in matters such as these, and the public way in which this now messy divorce looks set to play out will be very closely scrutinised. Here’s hoping they can come to some kind of deal whereby their private affairs remain that way and matters can be concluded with as little public dirty laundry as possible.