If, like me, you grew up in a time where Jim Carrey was one half of Dumb and Dumber and 9/10ths of the Ace Ventura movies, you may have a soft spot for the best face contortionist of his generation.
Well bad news Carrey fans, it seems all is not well with the man who once made climbing out of a rhino’s rectum funny. The actor’s behaviour has become increasingly strange over the years, something that is palpably obvious from the above video shout-out to Emma Stone. That clip might be three years old, and many of us might be able to understand his adoration for the gorgeous actress, but he hasn’t hopped off the crazy train the past few years.
Jim and his ex-partner Jenna McCarthy have been staunchly opposed to child vaccinations, a topic that garnered much public attention when it was claimed there was a link between the vaccinations and autism in children. I’m not going to get into that, but let’s look at Carrey’s reaction to California’s law requiring all public schoolchildren to get their vaccination jabs. The actor went off on a social media rant of note, with this below from the Daily Beast:
Greatest hits from the social media rant include calling California Governor Jerry Brown a “corporate fascist that must be stopped,” and “California Gov says yes to poisoning more children with mercury and aluminium in manditory [sic] vaccines.” After pausing to high five a million angels, Carrey came in for his encore, accusing the CDC [Centre for Disease Control and Prevention] of corruption.
The article goes on to cover a highlights reel of some of his odder behaviour over the years, amplified in scale and accessibility by his love of the weird tweet (his account HERE). The last word goes to the Daily Beast then:
While Carrey has always been a goofy, charismatic performer with an eye for the ecstatic and the absurd, it’s clear that his pattern of crazy behavior has reached a fever pitch…
So better luck next time, Emma, and sleep with one eye open, California Governor Jerry Brown.
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