Apologies for that shoddy video up top, video clips of Trevor Noah’s show usually take a few days to hit the internet and this is about the best we can do for now.
If you’re not familiar with Ferguson, Missouri then you should probably Google ‘Michael Brown’, the 18-year-old who was shot and killed by a white police officer. The ensuing riots gripped America and saw both the ‘Black Lives Matter’ and ‘Hand’s up Don’t Shoot’ movement gaining attention around the world.
Now Trevor has had his bit to say on what has been dubbed ‘the Ferguson Effect’, with Huffington Post reporting:
The term refers to the theory that negative coverage of police in the wake of Michael Brown’s shooting death has led to less policing and, consequently, higher crime rates. FBI Director James Comey even blamed cell phone footage of policing.
Several recent studies have debunked this theory, though. And as Noah points out, an American Psychological Association study released last month found that crime rates have actually decreased in the past two decades. “But these are just facts,” he joked. “They don’t count.”
Yeah never let facts get in the way of a good story, we like where your head’s at T-No.