Monday, February 17, 2025

July 11, 2016

Idiot Chef Brags About Feeding Meat To Vegans

No one likes finding a stray hair in their food, but what if you were duped into eating meat by a crafty chef?

I don’t know if its the long hours or exposure to extreme heat, but chefs can really be a moody bunch sometimes.

If you’ve ever worked as a server you may know the fear that comes with heading to the kitchen with a special request, mentally preparing yourself for the verbal barrage that will follow.

In this day and age it’s not exactly unusual to be vegan, though, and most restaurants will cater appropriately. But then there’s Alex Lambert, the (now) former head chef at the Littleover Lodge Hotel in England.

Here’s the twat in his chef garb:


You know who else was a fan of awful selfies? THIS guy.

Lambert has now been sacked after bragging on Instagram about his lack of regard for vegans, secretly feeding them meat and taking great delight in it.

Below from the Telegraph:

The 30-year-old’s contract was terminated after vegan campaigners lobbied the hotel , accusing him of abusing the human rights of those who choose not to eat meat products.

Mr Lambert insisted his comments on Instagram were untrue, and he made them to “p— off” a vegan during an argument about meat-eating.

He told the woman with whom he was arguing that “being a vegan is a minority”, adding that she “should find a better way to spend your time, my personal favourite is feeding vegans animal products and them not knowing”.

At first the hotel stuck by him, saying he was merely attempting to rile the vegan woman, but they underestimated the outrage:

…his contract was terminated after the protests persisted, and vegans begged others to boycott the three-star hotel.

Rosie Wilder left a comment on the review page stating: “It is in writing that your head chef is purposely feeding vegans non-vegan food. If the head chef remains, I will never attend this establishment and will warn all my family/friends/vegan groups to avoid at all costs!!”

More on Lambert’s response to being sacked:

“It started as a post I had made that essentially said ‘how do you know if someone is a vegan? Don’t worry, they will tell you’.

“That was in relation to a customer who had come in and was telling everyone they were vegan, it’s much healthier and better for them and anyone that eats meat is wrong.

“A militant vegan saw this post and began commenting, saying I should go get heart disease and I will be responsible for the death of my daughter by feeding her animal products”…

“My job has always been my passion and something I have always taken very seriously. It was a stupid comment said out of anger.

“For the record I have no issue with vegans.”

Militant vegan? Sounds like he may have a slight issue with vegans then.

Can’t we all just take a few deep breaths and have a laugh about it?
