Sunday, January 19, 2025

This Canned Lion Hunting Doccie Shot In SA Will Make Your Blood Boil [Trailer]

It's a pretty important few weeks for the future of canned lion hunting in this country, which is why you need to front up and watch this trailer.

Hunting in South Africa tends to divide people down the middle, and that’s especially true for the canned lion hunting industry.

Currently running over in Hawaii is the 2016 World Conservation Congress (WCC), and front and centre is the heated debate around the issue.

Multiple organisations have called for the termination of all such hunting, filing the motion at the meeting.

Some more info from Traveller24:

…the practice of Canned Lion Hunting is regarded as an “ethically repugnant embarrassment” by South Africa’s professional hunting associations at large.

In response to the acceptance of the motion by the…WCC, the department of environmental affairs says it has acknowledged the move, in which the NGOs’ expressed concern on the alleged escalation of the breeding of lions for the specific purpose of ‘canned lion hunting’ or ‘canned lion shooting’, by sectors of the wildlife industry.

Something that has helped bring the issue to the fore is Blood Lions, a documentary launched in July of last year. Before you tuck in I’ll give you a heads up – you’re going to see a spike in your blood pressure.

Let’s look at the good news then, in terms of progress being made to put an end to the killing:

This follows yet another historic agreement between 28 African lion range states, calling for more than 180 countries to consider moving lions from their current listing on Appendix II to Appendix I – which would globally prohibit the trade in lions, except under exceptional circumstances.

I know some of you are reading this and venting that hunting does much for conservation, both in our country and the continent at large, and of course you’re not wrong. I wrote about exactly that last year (HERE), and many of us bleeding heart conservationists all too often turn a blind eye to the financial repercussions of a blanket ban on hunting.

That’s not the argument here though, because as mentioned earlier canned lion hunting is something many professional hunters themselves look at with disgust.

I don’t know where the balance lies in terms of hunting our wildlife to ensure we can finance conservation efforts, but surely we can do better than what’s going on at present.

Want to watch that doccie? If you can stomach it, head to the film’s website for more info HERE.



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