Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Trevor Noah Looks At How Fox News Deals With The Latest Trump Mess [Video]

You can't turn on the news without seeing Trump's name being dragged through the dirt, unless of course the channel happens to be Fox News.

Yes it’s another Trump scandal, but by many accounts this is the worst of his thus far fetid presidency.

If we’re going to hear anyone poke fun at this mess then let it be Trevor, and he was in fine form again last night.

You can’t turn on the news without hearing about the Donald – unless that news is of the Fox variety.

The Week below:

…any way you look at it, “this is by far the biggest Trump scandal — until the next one,” Noah said. “To not acknowledge the gravity of this Comey memo, you’d have to be willfully ignorant, aggressively ignorant. In fact, you’d have to be Fox News.”

If you believe Trump their ratings have never been better, but then again who believes that man any longer?
