Friday, February 7, 2025

Even Google Translate Is Taking The Piss Out Of Flat-Earthers

A secret Easter egg has been uncovered on Google Translate that's leaving us in stitches, and flat-earthers right around the world shook.

Sometimes Google Translate can be unreliable as hell, plain and simple.

Often the results can be hilarious, like the time someone ran the Fresh Prince’s theme tune through the online tool, but it’s still not the translation you’re looking for.

But when it comes to flat-earthers – woefully misguided souls who believe that the earth is flat, not spherical – Google Translate is doing the Lord’s work by calling them out for their logic-defying views, via a report by Mashable.

How so?

Simply go into Google Translate and type in the words “I am a flat-earther” in English. Then, select French as your translated language.

This is what should come up, as I’ve done it:

So? How exactly is this poking fun at flat-earthers ’round the world (emphasis on “round”)?

Simply hit the “swap languages” button, and voilà, this is the re-translated phrase:

I feel this shade on a spiritual level.

God bless Google for being an absolute savage.
