Donald Trump doesn’t care whether or not you want to visit the White House, sports stars, which is why he insists on tweeting about it all the time.
No, really, he doesn’t care, which is why he threw a replacement event for hosting the Philadelphia Eagles, the Super Bowl champs, called ‘Celebration of America’.
The thing about celebrating America, you see, is that you should probably know the lyrics to “God Bless America”.
Oops on that front:
Trump unable to remember words to “God Bless America” at replacement event he commissioned to prove his patriotism:
— Deadspin (@Deadspin) June 5, 2018
This moron could forget the words to the ‘USA USA USA’ chant. Or America’s national anthem, which he has already done.
It didn’t take long for Bad Lip Reading to climb all over this:
Leaked audio from Donald Trump’s live microphone during performance of “God Bless America”…
— Bad Lip Reading (@BadLipReading) June 5, 2018
Then there’s this, via the Daily Beast:
Trump was heckled by a man who…had kneeled during the band’s performance of the national anthem. “Stop hiding behind the armed services and the national anthem,” the man reportedly shouted.
Another unidentified man was filmed taking a knee during the anthem. According to a Danish reporter, the man “left right after” the event and “did not wanna talk.”
The whole event was cooked up to try and rub NFL athletes who kneeled the wrong way, and some guy on the White House lawn pops a knee during the national anthem:
A man takes a knee during Trump’s celebration.
— Carina Bergfeldt (@carinabergfeldt) June 5, 2018
Ol’ Donnie had talked up the event as one for the Philadelphia Eagles fans to attend, given that their team wasn’t welcome, but that didn’t really pan out, either:
Multiple reporters described how the event’s crowd was strangely absent of the thousands of Eagles fans the White House claimed would attend. “Not exactly sure who these @Eagles ‘fans’ are but I have counted exactly one item of clothing with an eagles logo on it at the White House,” NBC Philadelphia reporter Tim Furlong wrote. “I’ve asked 6 of the ‘fans’ at the White House who was the @Eagles quarterback during the super bowl. Not ONE person knew.”
The real mic-drop came from Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney, who spoke to CNN:
“He’s making it up as he goes along in an effort to divide this country more than he has already,” Kenney said of Trump.
Kenney said he stands at attention with his hand over his heart during the anthem, but that he does so as “a white man with privilege,” and that others without the same privilege reacted differently. He continued to say that Trump’s constant refrain against the kneeling protest was a rejection of First Amendment principles.
“The President wants to ignore the First Amendment and other amendments in the Constitution, and force people to view things and act and speak the way he tells them to,” Kenney [above] said. “And that’s not what this country is about.”
And some shade for Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the Press Secretary who lies for a living:
“She lies from that podium every day, so I have really no reason to believe she’s telling the truth on that one,” Kenney said.
We feel you, Jim.
A few more digs via the Guardian:
Donald Trump’s “celebration of America” at the White House, hastily put together on Tuesday in the absence of Super Bowl winners the Philadelphia Eagles, proved that rare thing in the Trump era: an anticlimax.
“I was surprised from the ordeal to get here that it was only a 12-minute shindig,” said Emma Wittstruck Call, 30, who did not vote for the president. “I thought it would be longer.”
Trump handed more ammunition to critics who compare him to a tinpot dictator wrapping himself in the flag and appealing to cheap patriotism. He did not mention the Eagles or attempt to heal divisions.
At least these boytjies had themselves a good time on the lawn:
Yeah, nah, I’m good.