Brighton, the man ‘resurrected’ by Pastor Alph Lukau in that now-viral video, has had a busy week.
The 29-year-old had to take leave for his own funeral, was brought back from the dead, sparked an internet challenge, and has now been arrested.
Brighton, who is originally from Zimbabwe, was identified by his employer, Vincent, who owns the timber company Vincent Amoretti PTY LTD.
He told EWN that the last time he saw Brighton was just after the “resurrection”. That’s Brighton below, holding the camera.
Speaking to 702’s Azania Mosaka on Tuesday, a caller by the name of Vincent said this was not the first time Brighton was involved with Pastor Lukau. EWN heard from a colleague at Vincent Amoretti PTY LTD that Brighton has helped the pastor with another miracle.
On the show, Vincent, who said he’s the owner of Vincent Amoretti PTY LTD and employer of Brighton, told listeners that Brighton helped the pastor by pretending to be wheelchair-bound and then standing up after Lukau prayed for him.
…“Can you imagine what a life he’s had? He’s worked for me, he died, he was resurrected and now he’s been arrested,” said Vincent on the show.
That’s a lot of miracle for one person.
Hey, look, here’s Brighton again, pictured with the pastor:
Sheesh, it’s almost like there wasn’t a miracle resurrection, and they merely paid this guy to act like he had been raised from the dead.
In the meantime, the church is understandably embarrassed. They made the following statement about the incident:
The Rhema Family Churches (RFC) and the International Federation of Christian Churches (IFCC) say something has gone terribly wrong in the religious sector and it cannot be left unaddressed.
In the statement, the churches say they were embarrassed by CRL Rights Commission’s findings of the investigation into the “Commercialisation of Religion and Abuse of People’s Belief Systems”.
“We have seen the exploitation of people, and the sexual and emotional abuse of people, all these and many other things have tainted the image of the church and put us in a very bad light.”
Look, the fake miracle is the least of the crap that these prosperity churches pull on a weekly basis, so they might want to look a little deeper into their practices – from homophobia to scamming people into giving what little money they have to the church.
You only need to check out Rhema pastor Ray McCauley’s net worth and lavish lifestyle, accumulated largely by taking money from his congregants.
Audit time? I think so.