Are we really going to do this? Are we seriously going to wade into Mercury retrograde?
I guess we are.
This year, Mercury went into retrograde for the first time on March 5, and will remain that way until March 28.
In the world of astrology, Mercury is of particular importance, as it “rules communication, travel, and data, which means that all of these things can be affected by the retrograde period”.
First up, what does Mercury retrograde actually mean? The name’s a bit deceptive, but here’s the wisdom of to save the day:
It’s not as if the planet actually reverses its orbit. Simply explained, Mercury retrograde describes an optical illusion which makes it look as if the planet is moving backwards from our viewpoint on earth.
When this happens, all hell breaks loose, and we are plunged into chaos. Or something like that.
Funny how the same people who constantly talk about karma are suddenly blaming Mercury for their troubles, but moving on.
I’ll hand over to Bustle for a definitely scientific, not at all ridiculous assessment of what’s happening:
Depending on your planetary placements and zodiac sign, Mercury retrograde can majorly hit other areas of your life, too. For example, it’s definitely going to have an effect on some zodiac signs when it comes to love and romance. And apparently, Mercury retrograde can affect money and career for some zodiac signs, as well.
Hang on – you’re saying at some point during the 23-day period I will be faced with things that affect my relationships, money, and career?
Wow, bombshell. Better get the opinion of a TV psychic medium to help lock all my big decisions in now.
Those four zodiac signs, if you’re still paying attention:
Mercury Retrograde tends to happen about three to four times a year, and in 2019, they are mostly happening in Water Signs (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio), which means that the entire world will be doing some serious balancing of their minds with their emotions…
In other words, this year’s retrogrades are asking us to seek balance — and in order to do that, we’ll need to slow down, do some reflection and introspection.
Fine, whatever, but I must draw the line at this bloody thing interfering with my sleep patterns:
The retrograde period can make you feel more emotional and restless than usual, which can make it harder for you to get a good night’s sleep. It’s possible that during the retrograde period, you’ll feel more stressed and anxious than you usually do, and that can definitely have a negative impact on your sleeping patterns…
The best thing to do is to embrace the vibes of Mercury retrograde and really hit pause on your life for a second. Reflect, step back, and allow yourself to just focus on you — but also, make time for extra sleep! If Mercury retrograde is going to try to mess with your sleep, try to be on top of it by giving yourself extra sleep to begin with.
There’s your next excuse for being late to the office sorted.
Sorry, boss, but I had to grab an extra hour’s sleep because of Mercury and all that. I know, I’m such a (insert whatever star sign, it really doesn’t matter).
Wild thought – maybe your life is unravelling because you’re just not that good at it.
Let’s still be friends and part ways with some Mercury retrograde tweets from POPSUGAR: