Everybody loves a good advertising back and forth.
You may remember the famous BMW versus Mercedes-Benz commercials featuring Chapman’s Peak from years gone by, which gave birth to the iconic ‘car that beats the bends’ line.
Back in 2009, it was BMW doing battle with Audi via some billboards in Santa Monica, California, and that classic duel went on for years before both sides called it a day.
If you want to make your jibes land, you have to be smart about it, and mindful of the fact that those driving past only have a small amount of time to take it all in.
Well, it looks like Cape Town now has its own billboard battle on the go, and we’ve had a few people contact us about the showdown visible from the M5 approaching the N1 ramp in Cape Town.
First of all, here’s the general area in question – chances are you recognise it:
Off to the right-hand side of that shot, you’ll find the billboards.
One is for WeBuyCars (the white one), and on the left of the shot below is the billboard for getWorth.
As you can see, they follow on from one another:
If we get in closer on the white billboard, you’ll see this:
Alright, you’re buying them all.
That’s where the retort from getWorth sticks the knife in:
A tip of the hat to getWorth for this one, because it’s a shrewd move on their part.
One company is stressing the fact that they’re in the market of buying and selling anything and everything, but getWorth does things differently, and makes a point of stressing that they will pay more for quality cars.
Looking at their website, it’s clear that they are quite picky about what they buy because they stand behind the cars they sell. So, if you are looking to buy or sell a cared-for, quality car, getWorth is the place to go.
If I were a boxing judge, I’d score this one a unanimous victory for getWorth.
Billboard battles do have a habit of punches and counterpunches, so perhaps we’ll see a fightback from the wounded.
Just something to keep an eye on as you cruise along the M5, although be sure to focus primarily on the road.