Be warned hipsters of east London, you might want to lay low for a few days until the angry mobs die down. These guys were on the rampage.
Watching any of the Derick Watts & The Sunday Blues’ videos and you know you’re in for a good time and many laughs.
The Sinkhole has returned, but this time its only victims were vehicles and camping equipment from campers in Australia.
Speculation is a terrible game to play, and all will be revealed tomorrow as we learn the identity of the woman who smuggled drugs into country. celebrity or not?
There are 1000s of films that were produced in South Africa between 1970 – 1990, but since the end of apartheid have been hidden, until now.
Arg, clubbing shouldn’t be a dangerous experience, but steroids and coke just make the aggression increase a million times and petty egos can’t deal.
Spies are a real thing and sometimes, after long periods of negotiations, they are swapped, on a bridge, between two countries. Cray.
Obama’s brother lives in a tin shack in Nairobi – but he is fine with his life and doesn’t want help from the American president. In fact, he dislikes Americans entirely.
In the latest drug bust, a South African actress has been stopped and found to have R4.2m worth of Pharmaceuticals on her.
More pics on Lucy’s trip to the iGadget store to get her hands on the new iPhone 6s.
It seems that more ‘friends’ Krecjir has, the more enemies he makes as well – and the latest raid in his cell has foiled plans of attempted escape.
As buyers prepared to sit back and wait in line for the new iPhone 6s, a robot named Lucy joined the queue in Sydney.
Kay is fed up and has decided to do something about it by travelling with her wheelie bags and gluing herself to spaces.
After a Elton John received a prank call from Russian pranksters, the real Vladimir Putin decided to stand up.
Elon Musk stood in front of a crow in Berlin to preach about the effects of climate change. The gist of it? The Syrian refugee movement is just the beginning of what is going to be a world wide phenomenon that’s going screw us all over.
This is what happens when Merc drivers don’t get their own way – and even worse, when there are two in the exact same situation. Can you please just remove your head out your arse? Gosh.
Lion conservation reserves across South Africa are being questioned on their ethics – are they breeding lions just for hunting purposes?
The Nanny State of all Nanny States has just ruled that deleting a colleague off Facebook is an act of bullying after two chicks got bitchy at work.
SafariNow has been celebrating their eCommerce victory and is so honoured, they have given you the chance to win a R200 voucher if you sign up to their newsletter now.
You know when you tune some one so much they eventually become that exact thing? Well, even though this Ginger has no soul, he made sure the world knew what it actually meant.
We know Sandton is not only larney as hell, but those who live there have a few secrets up their sleeves that have a hazardous effect on society.
The winner has been announced to the biggest party in Cape Town tonight. Check to see if it is you. See you guys there.
If you’re in the mood for a braai and some boerie then this Thursday should be right up your alley. Now you don’t even have to leave the house for supplies.
This isn’t the first time Sean Penn’s history of domestic abuse has come under the spotlight this year.
Volkswagen’s lil mess has created a global ripple effect that has now hit South Africa, but until there is a more solid understanding of what those effects will be, experts can only predict for now.
It isn’t often rats are in the news for anything other than being served at a fast-food chain you might have heard of. This guy is grabbing headlines though.
If you were one of those who tucked into the free Jack Honey at any The Hive parties then you’ll know good times were had – and there’s more where that came from.
Selfie sticks are being banned across the world because, in the search of the perfect pic, people are dying.
The news of David Cameron’s sexual act has probably haunted him since it occurred – and it will probably do so for the rest of his life.
Well we know where this one is going, although there’s something about Donald Trump that makes me think he likes any and all attention.