Coronavirus Hits Cape Town’s Southern Suburbs

Six more cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in South Africa, including one in Cape Town.
The Effect Of Coronavirus On eCommerce And Traditional Shopping

Smart and cautious consumers are finding solace in purchasing luxury goods online.
How Many People Die Annually From Flu In Italy

Coronavirus deaths are higher in Italy than anywhere else in Europe. The country’s influenza statistics from the past few years could provide some clues as to why.
Full Hazmat Suit – This Is How Germaphobe Naomi Campbell Is Rolling At Airports

Naomi Campbell proved that she’s willing to sacrifice style for safety when she rocked up at the airport in a hazmat suit.
Meanwhile In Oz – Check Out This Train Coughing Argument [Video]

Things got heated on a train in Australia when a man asked a fellow passenger to cover her mouth while coughing. She wasn’t keen.
R72k If You Let These Guys Inject You With Coronavirus

A group of scientists is asking people to volunteer to be injected with the coronavirus so that they can to test new medications on infected patients.
Tuesday Morning Spice

Corona: Sandton school closed. Italy locks down entire country. Sasol loses R45 billion in one day. Weinstein injured in jail. Dolly Parton wants Playboy cover
This Is What It’s Like Shopping In China Right Now [Video]

When a virus hits your country as hard as coronavirus hit China, even everyday tasks, like shopping, can get complicated.
Boost Your Immune System With These Tips From Health Experts

A healthy immune system is your first line of defence against any and all viruses that might come your way.
Can You Get Coronavirus From Using Uber?

Tons of people take Uber every day, and you never know who was in the passenger seat before you.
The Ultimate Coronavirus Resource – Live Stats From Around The World Including SA

Instead of panicking about coronavirus in South Africa, step up your knowledge game with this invaluable resource.
Monday Morning Spice

R21 to the Pound. Netflix African series. Italy lockdown. Grindr sold. New McLaren.
Should We Work In Open Offices With The Threat Of The Coronavirus?

Open offices are all the rage at the moment, but they might not be the best places to work now that the coronavirus has gone global.
Profile Of Who Is Most Likely To Die From The Coronavirus

Yesterday, news broke of South Africa’s first confirmed case of coronavirus, or COVID-19. Before you panic, consider a few things.
First Case Of Coronavirus In South Africa

Health Minister Zweli Mkhize has now confirmed that South Africa’s first suspected case of the coronavirus, or COVID-19, has tested positive.
Ever Been To Italy? Here’s How The Streets Look Now

Once bustling cities have come to a standstill, as fears grow around the rapidly spreading coronavirus in Italy.
The Herd Mentality Of Panic Buying For The Coronavirus

Around the world, people are buying supplies in bulk, and panic has well and truly set in. Good luck trying to buy toilet paper in Australia, too.
Thursday Morning Spice

Bloomberg wastes R7.7 billion. Italy closes all schools. Bond delayed. Kardashian White House. Ritz hotel drama. Britney’s son goes rogue.
Dumb And Dumber – Trump And Boris Don’t Seem To Understand The Coronavirus [Videos]

Whilst most people understand vaccines and how viruses spread and other basics, two world leaders can’t quite get a handle on things.
Coronavirus Future – What Ended SARS, Ebola, And H1N1 Outbreaks

What can we learn about the coronavirus from three of the more recent infectious outbreaks?
Whoever Runs The SA Department Of Health’s Twitter Account Has Had A Shocker [Images]

Oops – it looks like the Department of Health can’t tell fact from fiction when it comes to tweets about the coronavirus.
How America’s Richest Are Preparing For The Coronavirus

The saying goes that money can’t buy you happiness, but it can buy you private flights, full-body coverings, and log cabin retreats in Idaho.
Masks, Quarantine Costs, And Airports – SA Government Responds To Coronavirus Questions

If you happen to be locked under quarantine, does our government compensate for the loss of income? Should masks be worn at airports? Our Department of Health responds.
John Oliver Wants To Tell You A Few Things About The Coronavirus [Video]

With so much misinformation out there, and government responses that vary from blasé to panic, here’s what John Oliver thinks of it all.
Tuesday Morning Spice

Coronavirus: 73 countries. Hout Bay rocked by murder. Cape Town’s micro-apartment explosion. New service from PnP. Queen says Harry always welcome.
How To Avoid The Coronavirus, How To Tell If You Have It, And Chances Of Dying

There is no need to panic just yet, but we should all make sure we’re clued up on some of the basics around the coronavirus and how it spreads.
This Mobile Plague Virus Game Is Banned In China

A game which challenges players to spread a deadly virus around the world has now been banned in China.
Monday Morning Spice

Virus loses R4.3 billion for Corona. Virus spreading in US. Meghan Met Gala. Comedian changes name to Hugo Boss. Oasis only nightclub. Cleaner built with Ecclestone earrings.
South African Citizens On Cruise Ship Tested Positive For Coronavirus

There were 12 South African crew members aboard the Diamond Princess, with two now confirmed as testing positive for the coronavirus.
First Case Of Coronavirus In Sub-Saharan Africa

The coronavirus continues its spread, with the first case in Nigeria confirmed yesterday. It’s getting closer.