Hoo boy, this is just another level of grossness right here.
Hell, it makes that KFC chicken-cleaning drama almost look sanitary in comparison.
A video of a Jozi man cutting open a box of Liqui-Fruit juice, and finding what looked like a mass of fungus or intestines floating inside has gone viral on social media, reports Times LIVE.
I repeat, he found what looks like fungus or intestines inside the box. I truly wish I was joking about this.
Check the video out:
Berry Blaze? More like Berry Barf.
The man, who wishes to remain anonymous, told Times LIVE:
It’s like some kind of fungus – soft but with no smell at all. I won’t be buying this brand again.
You and me both, boet.
Liqui-Fruit has tried to save face by releasing a statement on the matter on Twitter:
Oh, so the “floating mass” just spontaneously appeared, then? Is that what you’re telling us, Liqui-Fruit?
Disgusted Tweeps, on the other hand, aren’t buying their crap:
Another voucher. How helpful … NOT.
I can’t even tell the difference between the two, but I bet they both look the same.
Gross, @loobangs. Next you’re going to tell me they found a whole frog in there.
Goodness knows, but they’re definitely not “foreign object”-proof, if this has been reportedly going on for a while.
These tweets perfectly sum up my feelings about Liqui-Fruit right now.
An investigation is currently underway.
‘Til then, folks, perhaps it’s better to leave Liqui-Fruit alone for a while and let them stew in their own juice.