I’m so jealous right now, I’m almost Gamora-green with envy.
Here’s why: across the pond, at least 130 000 people descended on the San Diego Convention Centre for the biggest, fantastically geeky convention to ever exist.
Yup, it’s Comic-Con time!
From showcasing movie sneak peaks like Aquaman to putting on exhibitions, the highlight of Comic-Con for superhero, fantasy and sci-fi fans has got to be seeing others dressing for the occasion.
It boggles the mind how fans manage to take cosplaying to the next level. Like, these guys know their craft, turn out excellent costumes and practically embody the characters they portray.
Johnny Depp tried his hand at cosplay during the event, but suffice to say most of the attendees outdid him ’cause they – you know – made their own damn costumes, but I digress.
Here are our top cosplay picks from Comic-Con 2018, with images courtesy of Wired and Nerdist:
I do declare, it’s Cersei Lannister in the flesh. Speaking of Game of Thrones …
Winter is indeed, and for some reason it’s brought a baby and a smartphone. Go figure. Maybe a The Hangover hat tip?
Whoa. Sephiroth from Final Fantasty 7 never looked so good. Raiden from Mortal Kombat wished he had fabulous hair like that.
What’s better than one Wonder Woman? Two Wonder Women, played by a mother-and-daughter duo, that’s what.
Impressive showing from Predator and mini-Preddy. I bet they were inspired by the new Predator trailer.
Too bad there weren’t any Alien cosplayers around, otherwise we could have been in for a treat.
According to Wired, this chap by the name of Lawrence Estes has been attending Comic-Con since 1992! True dedication, right here.
Props to him for turning out a mean Mace Windu outfit here. Force be with you and all that jazz.
Seeing this pic, I wouldn’t mind seeing a DC/Marvel crossover now. Anything to see Wonder Woman teaming up with the Star Lord and his crew.
Where’s Wally? Here’s Wally! With another Wally, of course.
Petition to see the Wallies face off against Predator and Mini-Preddy.
Hey Disney, doesn’t this give you a great idea for a Thor/Peter Pan crossover? Can y’all imagine Tinkerbell ditching Peter for the Grandmaster?
Yes and yes.
Sjoe, girl. Now I know what the child of Pennywise from It and the girl from The Ring would look like.
Well, I’ve been properly snatched bald-headed by this guy/gal. This Deadpool cosplay is spot on, and I almost can’t believe it’s just a fan and not Ryan Reynolds.
Unless it is. If so, then Johnny Depp would be shook.
Also, if you plan to go to Comic-Con next year, then you darn well better invite me along, too.